Atlantic Forest IN PICTURES


Described by Raquel Nunez, of the World Rainforest Movement, as "beautiful" but "seemingly destined to suffer in life" the Atlantic Forest of Misiones in Argentina retains one of the largest fractions of this threatened ecosystem.

All photos © Dan Ryan

iguazu falls by dan ryan

Iguazu, on the triumverate of Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina
is one of the largest waterfalls in the world.

ants on tree at iguazu by dan ryan

unknown fungus by dan ryan

unknown flower by dan ryan

Atlantic Forest is one of the world's biodiversity hotspots.

parana pine by dan ryan

Parana Pine (Auracaria angustifolia) has been exploited for its timber.

logging enterprise by dan ryan

Logging has reduced forest cover in Misiones to less than 50%.

pindo on logged land by dan ryan

Pindo (Syagrus romanzoffianum) - one of the most important forest species - left

standing in a logged landscape.

guarani family by dan ryan

The indigenous Guarani have been marginalised by centuries of exploitation

and the destruction of their forest home.

guarani children in school by dan ryan

While their forest existence is threatened their prospects on the outside world may

not be much better. Unemployment in the province is high and the wages low.

lush forest by dan ryan

Lush forest has been converted for agriculture and plantations.

pine plantation by dan ryan

plant nursery by dan ryan

Scientists, conservationists, and politicians are uniting to help protect and

restore the landscape. This nursery at the University of Misiones will help

re-plant the forest.

iguazu river by dan ryan

Much beauty and life remains in Misiones. Will it be given a chance to thrive?


You can help the Atlantic Forest in Misiones through the World Land Trust.

Related links:

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